Design decisions

Cockatiel doesn’t try to be a CDN, but to implement the simplest solution that fulfills our needs. Currently, cockatiel makes a number of assumptions that are outlined below. If those assumptions do not apply to your needs, you should probably be looking for a CDN-like solution or for a proper distributed file system or block device.


All files are on all servers. Cockatiel currently does not implement any kind of sharding and we do not plan to do so, so Cockatiel is designed for file collections that can easily fit on a modern hard drive.

File names will be (partly) auto-generated. In order to avoid collisions, cockatiel will insert a file’s SHA1 checksum into the filename. Therefore, the file will not be stored exactly at the location the client specified.

Files get replicated asynchronously. If your network connection is slow or flaky, this can lead to a delay between a file being on one server and a file being distributed across all servers.

Files don’t change. It is not possible to change a file through cockatiel. If you want to replace a file, just delete the old one and upload a new one that will get a new name (due to the checksum that will be inserted into the filename).

Adding or removing nodes may require manual intervention. There currently is neither automatic service discovery nor cluster configuration management during runtime.

Files are being served by a different webserver. Cockatiel does not intend to be a high-performance web server. If your files get accessed a lot, please use a proper web server like nginx and point it to the cockatiel’s storage directory.


  • cockatiel is a stand-alone service implemented in Python using asyncio.
  • The service exposes a very simple HTTP API that is used both for the communication between a client and the service as well as for the replication between the cockatiel nodes.
  • Every operation gets inserted into a queue. This queue is persisted to a directory on the file system. An operation stays inside the queue as long as it has not been accepted by all neighbor servers.

Failure modes

cockatiel is currently designed to automatically cope with the following events:

Server downtime: If one node of the cluster goes offline, the other servers will queue up all operations and retry them periodically. The retrial interval is currently configured to increase from twice a second two once every 30 seconds if the server is down for a longer period. Therefore, once the server returns, the other servers will start pushing all changes within 30 seconds.

Network corruption: If a file arrives corrupted after a replication, e.g. the calculated SHA1 sums of the sender and the receiver mismatch, the operation will be aborted and retried.

Network partition: If you have three nodes A, B, and C, and the network between A and C gets interrupted, an operation performed on A will still be propagated to server C.

Connection interruption: Any operation stays queued for replication as long as the receiving server did not acknowledge it. Therefore, if an operation is interrupted, it will be retried.